Our bylaws allow for one representative from each town in our service area to sit on our Board of Directors, and three At-Large-Members.
Our Board of Directors meets on a monthly basis to discuss all aspects of our service, including our communities, finances, operations, personnel and fundraising.
Mary Ann Pease - President, Chester Representative
Jim Castro - Vice President/Treasurer, Russell Representative
Stephen Pitoniak - Secretary, Montgomery Representative
John Garriepy - Huntington Representative
Pat Lombardo - Blandford Representative
Charlie Rose -Non-Voting Worthington Representative
Kathy Jones - At Large Member, Huntington Resident
Seth Gemme - At Large Member, Montgomery Resident
Open - At Large Member, Resident
We welcome any interested community members to attend our meetings. Input from the people we serve is incredibly valuable. Please contact if you would like to be placed on the email list for meetings.